Attract, convert & get found on Google

Turn your site to a Google favorite, rank higher in SERPs, and convert more leads on your site. It all starts with a free consultation.




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Cheap SEO consultant and optimizer in Central Oregon


Website & SEO meetings

An SEO dream team

We're a group of experienced, been there, done that SEO experts, with the market know-how to help companies from every industry rank higher on Google and increase on-site conversion.

So you're in good hands.

Personalized Websites

Our team specializes in creating personalized websites that reflect your unique brand identity and resonate with your target audience. We take great care in developing custom designs and user-friendly interfaces, ensuring that your website not only stands out in the competitive digital landscape but also engages and captivates visitors.

From custom designs to user-friendly interfaces, we go above and beyond to ensure that your website stands out in the digital landscape.

A person is typing on a laptop computer while holding a cup of coffee.

On-site SEO

On-site SEO is about optimizing your site according to the most recent HTML and content SEO guidelines. Deschutes Digital is always up to date with the industry's latest best practices, so we'll know exactly how to optimize your site.

Our team will research your industry, your current site, and analyze the actions of your competitors to define a solid, results-driven content and HTML optimization plan.

A woman is wearing a pair of wireless headphones.

Off-site SEO

Off-site SEO is about actions people take on other sites or platforms, that impact your own site's ranking in Google SERPs for relevant searches.

With off-site SEO, we enhance your site's domain authority and foster trust among online users, leading to increased recommendations to search engines. On-site and off-site SEO strategies work together to let Google know your site is valuable, credible, and worth sharing.

A smart watch is sitting on top of a computer screen.

Google Analytics

We use Google's tool for tracking and analyzing site performance and stats to identify trends and opportunities in how site visitors interact with your site. We use Google Analytics to get a current view of your site's performance, and to track the shift in site stats once our SEO work kicks into high gear. In addition, we'll use the platform's robust reporting options to generate customized weekly and monthly reports on your site's performance so you can always know what's going on, and see the progress of your site's performance over time.

A computer screen shows a dashboard with graphs and charts.

Free Revisions

At our core, we are relentless in our pursuit of perfection. We understand the importance of getting every detail just right, which is why we proudly provide revisions until your website reflects your exact vision. Our commitment to excellence drives us to work tirelessly until you are completely satisfied with the end result.

The word update is written in scrabble tiles on a table.
The man is wearing a yellow hoodie and smiling.
A row of black stars on a white background.

Henry Pasternac

“The Rank team helped us shape up our site SEO and come up with an effective content strategy " 

A man with a beard and a tattoo on his neck is smiling.
A row of black stars on a white background.

Frank Revenstein

“Within 4 months, we managed to beat our main local competitor on Google SERPs"

A close up of a woman 's face with a pink background
A row of black stars on a white background.

Fernanda Bapo

“My beauty salon business reached Google's #1 search results for local searches”


  • Is the consultation you're offering really free?

    Yes, it is. We'll offer an hour of free consultation and basic site audit. This will help both of us understand where your site currently stands in terms of its SEO and SERP rank (If you don't have a site, this doesn't apply). We'll also send you off with a customized plan of what we can do to increase your site's ranking.

  • What sectors do you specialize in?

    Our team has seen it all. From E-Commerce to local businesses, we've helped sites of virtually every industry rank higher on Google, or even create a website.

  • Which digital services do you offer?

    Our agency offers SEO, online marketing, ad campaign management, Google Analytics and reporting, full site SEO audits, content creation, and even website development.

  • Why should I choose Deschutes Digital?

    Because we're experienced. Because we know what we're doing, and because we genuinely believe we can help you rank higher on Google, and attract more potential clients.

Recent news & SEO trends

Latest updates from the industry

By Shane olson 23 Jan, 2024
When it comes to SEO, there isn't a magic formula to instantly send your site off to the #1 search result on Google. But there are some basic principles you should follow for a wonderful starting point. Here are the top 5 SEO practices to start with: #1 Write for people, not for search engines Always write original, interesting, high quality site content that's error free and relevant to your site. Search engines like Google can easily detect content that is duplicated from elsewhere online, that contains grammatical errors, or that is stuffed with keywords. #2 Add a blog to your site and use rich media To engage your site visitors and blog readers, create posts that include non-textual media like photos, videos, or original visualizations (infographics). Having that extra content (especially if it's captivating) will increase the time users spend on your site as well as the likelihood they will share your site with their own community. #3 Offer a positive user experience throughout your site Google will know if you're using your site to aggressively advertise your service, or if you're being too pushy. Always aim to offer site visitors a pleasant experience on your site. That means clear content, support when needed, and always an option to go back. #4 Create a network of internal links (but don't overdo it) Add links between different pages of your site and your blog, but try to follow a process that feels organic rather than heavy linking meant just for search engine crawlers. Link between pages that make sense, for example, on your services page, link a certain industry specific term, and link it to a blog post you wrote about it, that gives more information on that term. #5 Always check your site's Core Web Vitals Core Web Vitals are a standard site performance standard initially created by Google. The report shows site owners how their site pages perform 'for real,' how long it takes for site visitors to load site pages, and it offers ways to fix issues, if there are any. 
By Shane olson 17 Jan, 2024
When it comes to SEO, there isn't a magic formula to instantly send your site off to the #1 search result on Google. But there are some basic principles you should follow for a wonderful starting point. Here are the top 5 SEO practices to start with: #1 Write for people, not for search engines Always write original, interesting, high quality site content that's error free and relevant to your site. Search engines like Google can easily detect content that is duplicated from elsewhere online, that contains grammatical errors, or that is stuffed with keywords. #2 Add a blog to your site and use rich media To engage your site visitors and blog readers, create posts that include non-textual media like photos, videos, or original visualizations (infographics). Having that extra content (especially if it's captivating) will increase the time users spend on your site as well as the likelihood they will share your site with their own community. #3 Offer a positive user experience throughout your site Google will know if you're using your site to aggressively advertise your service, or if you're being too pushy. Always aim to offer site visitors a pleasant experience on your site. That means clear content, support when needed, and always an option to go back. #4 Create a network of internal links (but don't overdo it) Add links between different pages of your site and your blog, but try to follow a process that feels organic rather than heavy linking meant just for search engine crawlers. Link between pages that make sense, for example, on your services page, link a certain industry specific term, and link it to a blog post you wrote about it, that gives more information on that term. #5 Always check your site's Core Web Vitals Core Web Vitals are a standard site performance standard initially created by Google. The report shows site owners how their site pages perform 'for real,' how long it takes for site visitors to load site pages, and it offers ways to fix issues, if there are any. 
By Shane olson 17 Jan, 2024
When it comes to SEO, there isn't a magic formula to instantly send your site off to the #1 search result on Google. But there are some basic principles you should follow for a wonderful starting point. Here are the top 5 SEO practices to start with: #1 Write for people, not for search engines Always write original, interesting, high quality site content that's error free and relevant to your site. Search engines like Google can easily detect content that is duplicated from elsewhere online, that contains grammatical errors, or that is stuffed with keywords. #2 Add a blog to your site and use rich media To engage your site visitors and blog readers, create posts that include non-textual media like photos, videos, or original visualizations (infographics). Having that extra content (especially if it's captivating) will increase the time users spend on your site as well as the likelihood they will share your site with their own community. #3 Offer a positive user experience throughout your site Google will know if you're using your site to aggressively advertise your service, or if you're being too pushy. Always aim to offer site visitors a pleasant experience on your site. That means clear content, support when needed, and always an option to go back. #4 Create a network of internal links (but don't overdo it) Add links between different pages of your site and your blog, but try to follow a process that feels organic rather than heavy linking meant just for search engine crawlers. Link between pages that make sense, for example, on your services page, link a certain industry specific term, and link it to a blog post you wrote about it, that gives more information on that term. #5 Always check your site's Core Web Vitals Core Web Vitals are a standard site performance standard initially created by Google. The report shows site owners how their site pages perform 'for real,' how long it takes for site visitors to load site pages, and it offers ways to fix issues, if there are any.